Half-Pint By the Numbers!

Over 40,000: Number of available items for sale at the Fall 2012 sale
$2,038.50: Total amount the top Consignor sold
14: Number of Consignors who sold over $1,000 worth of items
469: Top Number of items sold by a single Consignor
475:  Total Number of consignors who registered for the Fall 2012 sale
105:  Number of these consignors who were new to Half-Pint as a consignor this sale
156:  Number of consignors who donated items to our Charitable Partners
78:  Number of bags of fall/winter items and gear donated
38:  Percent increase in items sold from fall 2011
39:  Number of different Cities where Consignors live (Top 3, in order: Madison, Sun Prairie and Fitchburg)
160:  Number of Combined Hours Lisa and Ellen spent at the Madison Curling Club over the five days
1,066:  Total Number of Volunteer Hours
517:  Number of Places and Organizations where Volunteers shared information about Half-Pint
15:  Pounds of Candy consumed by Volunteers
2:  Number of TV Stations who came to the Sale and aired sale footage on the evening news
44:  Number of people who participated in First Moment Photography’s FUN photo booth on Sunday
120:  Number of La Fortuna Pizzas eaten by Half-Pinters on Friday and Saturday
212:  Number of days until the Spring 2013 Half-Pint Resale